LAB 3: Sampling Methods


In this lab, we will consider:

Recommended web links:
BC Resources Inventory sampling: Visit the BC Resources Inventory Committee sampling procedures for vegetation, estuaries, streams, etc.
New York City water: Learn about the NYC watershed protection and water sampling program.
Hanford Nuclear Reactor Site: Visit the environmental monitoring and sampling program by clicking on the Surveillance headings.
Sampling Distribution Applet: Explore the dynamic between samples and the sampling distribution of statistics.



Generally, geographers collect and analyze two different types of data: population data and sample data. A population is the complete set of objects (people, regions, rivers, households, fish, etc.) under study. If you collect information on all objects in the population, you would be conducting a census. However, it is often impossible to collect data for an entire population (exactly how many fish are there in a lake and how do you catch them all?). In these cases, researchers rely upon samples, which are subsets of the population.

Assuming that a sample is representative of the population, analysts can use information obtained from the sample to make inferences about the values of particular characteristics in the population. The reliability of the inferences, however, closely depends on how well the sample data have been collected.


To some people, the word research is synonymous with collecting data. While data collection is certainly an important part of conducting research, it is not the sole activity. Before you rush off to collect data (which is often the most enjoyable part of doing research), you need to spend some time thinking about how the issue/process/phenomenon that you wish to investigate relates to various statistical considerations. For starters:

Once you have defined your research framework, you will have a better idea of which sampling and analysis methods to use. Remember, good planning at the beginning will make all the difference between high quality research and a mess. This lab will focus on the sampling phase of the research process.


Steps in the Sampling Process

1. Define the Target Population:
The target population is the complete set of individuals from which you want to collect information. This definition is usually established at the conceptual level.

2. Define the Sample Population:
The sample population is a practical or operational definition of the target population. Your target population includes all individuals you want to study, but the sample population establishes a list of exactly who you will study. Defining your sample population is often challenging because there is rarely a list that contains all individuals in your target population.

Ideally, you want your sample population to contain all individuals in your target population. If not, you may introduce bias or error into your sampling. How much bias may be introduced if you exclude people without telephones? Perhaps a little, perhaps a lot... it may depend on your population and the question(s) you are asking.

It may seem easier to define the sample population for physical phenomena (forestry, ecology, fisheries, weather, etc) because you can 'see' the population. For example, if you are conducting forestry research in a watershed, you could say that the population includes all trees within the specific drainage basin.

However, you must still specify the sample population. Will you sample in swampy areas? what about ridge tops and rocky areas? what about young trees growing in a clear-cut or fire scar? If you exclude these areas, you will not be able to generalize or make inferences about 'all trees' in the watershed. To simplify you may decide to focus on a particular species or age group (i.e. fir and hemlock stands between 30 and 150 years of age). Now you must have precise maps identifying these stands.

Typically, considerable time and energy is spent defining the sample population and obtaining lists and/or maps before data collection starts.

3. Select a sample design:
A sample design is the method used to select individuals from the sample population. This is a crucial step in the sampling process. There are two groups of sample design: non-probability and probability designs.

In non-probability sampling, individuals are selected by the researcher. Subjective selection may be conducted if some individuals have personal experience or background knowledge that would contribute to the research or if the research is focusing specifically on a group of people or a region (i.e. a case study).

Probability sampling requires the objective selection of individuals from the sample population. Using these methods, a researcher can determine the probability of selection probabilities and calculate sampling error. Inferential statistics require the use of probability sampling designs.

4. Develop and test data collection methods:
If you are collecting information using a questionnaire or interviews, the questions must be carefully worded and tested for logic and clarity. If you are using instruments, the instruments must be calibrated and tested to ensure accuracy. Sampling procedures must be developed to ensure consistent data collection. It is a good idea to conduct a pre-test or pilot test to work out any bugs in the questions, instruments or procedures.

5. Collect the data:
If all goes according to your plans above, data collection should be relatively straight forward. You will also want think about how you will process or enter the data.


Sampling Designs

A. Non-probability Sampling
The essential characteristic of these methods is that the probability of an individual being selected for the sample is unknown. Assume that you have been asked to investigate the attitude of UVic students towards installing a baseball diamond on campus. Non-probability sampling designs include:

1. Purposive sampling: personal judgment is used to decide which individuals in the population are selected. The analysts picks individuals whom it is felt best serve the purpose of the sampling exercise.

2. Convenience sampling: only individuals who are easily accessible are sampled.

3. Volunteer sampling: people elect themselves for the sample.

Important descriptive results may be obtained from a non-probability sample. However, the concern that arises with the use of non-probability samples is sampling bias, which means that the individuals selected may not be representative of the entire student body.


B. Probability Sampling
The important characteristic of these methods is that the probability of selecting an individual (person, tree, fish, household, etc.) from the population for inclusion in the sample can be determined. When you know the selection probabilities, you can estimate the probability that your sample is or is not representative of the population.

1. Simple random: each individual has an equal chance of being selected for the sample. There are several ways to select a random sample (you could draw numbers from a hat) but the best way is to use a random number table. These tables are a computer-generated list of digits where every number (0 to 9) has an equal chance of occurring. To draw a random sample:

  1. Assign a number to each individual in the sample population.
  2. Choose a starting number on the table (close your eyes and point)
  3. The number you pick is the number of the first individual in your sample.
  4. The next number in the number table column is the second individual in your sample.
  5. Continue down the list until you have sufficient individuals for your sample (see estimating sample sizes).

The drawback of simple random sampling is the chance that the individuals (people, trees, fish) in your sample may not representative of the population. The diagram below shows two samples of plots for soil research, selected in a study area. As the selected soil plots in Sample H are evenly distributed across the study area, they will likely be more representative of the types of soil found in the study area. The plots selected in Sample Q are located mostly in the dry areas, which will introduce bias into the data.

2. Systematic random: every Xth individual is selected from the list, starting at a randomly chosen point.

One limitation of systematic sampling is that regular fluctuations or cycles in the phenomenon may be emphasized or missed by this method.

c. Stratified random: sometimes the population may contain two or more different groups that are of interest to you. If so, you can divide your sampling frame into strata or classes, and then select a random sample from each stratum. The strata are defined so that individuals inside each class are similar (internally homogeneous). Stratification is usually based on a characteristic believed to influence the phenomena that you are investigating or a natural grouping of observations.

This method will provide you with a random sample for the valley and a random sample for the hillsides. The stratified random method provides the best results because it ensures even coverage of the population but maintains the random selection probabilities.

d. Cluster sampling: this method is used when stratified or simple random sampling would be difficult and/or expensive to implement. The population is divided into groups or clusters, which are assumed to be similar to each other. Clusters are then randomly selected for detailed study. Within a cluster, you may select each individual or take a random sample of individuals.


Sample selection

An important issue that has yet to be discussed is: how many individuals/objects/observations do I need to have in my sample? Before we can answer this question, we need to think about how many samples can be selected from a population, and the nature of the sampling distribution.

For the next 3 examples, assume that our population consists of 20 households in a neighbourhood. We will use combinations to determine the number of households you can select in a sample.

1. How many different samples of 4 households can you select?

2. If 7 houses are located on Franklin Street, how many samples of size 4 can you draw?

3. How many different samples of 10 can you select from the 20 households?

Knowing the number of possible samples is important as it helps you to understand sampling probabilities and distributions, which we will examine below.


In the language of statistics, a numerical summary calculated for a sample is called a statistic; a numerical summary for the population is called a parameter. The table below gives the formulas for the mean, standard deviation and proportion for samples and populations.

  Sample Population
Name Statistic Parameter
Standard deviation
nA = number of occurances of A in sample

NA = number of occurances of A in population
  n = sample size N = population size

Note: For the sample standard deviation, s, you divide by n-1. This gives you a slightly larger standard deviation (a smaller denominator means a larger s value). As a sample is only a subset of the population, you cannot be certain that your sample is representative of the population. If you use n in the formula for the sample standard deviation, you may underestimate the true variation that exists in the population. When you calculate , there is no danger of underestimating the variation because you are using all values in the population. Therefore, you can use N.

Population parameters ( or ) have only one value. However, there are many possible values for the sample statistics ( or s). Each sample contains different individuals, which means that the values of your statistics will vary from one sample to the next. Recall from the household example above, there were 4,845 possible samples of n=4 households. Imagine that you drew each sample and calculated every sample mean. This collection of statistics will form a sampling distribution of means. If you constructed a histogram of these means, what shape would you expect for this distribution? Perhaps a normal curve?

Sampling distributions can be developed for any statistic (mean, standard deviation, total, proportion, etc.). However, the sampling distribution of means is the most important for sampling theory and inferential statistics. The general characteristics of the sampling distribution of means are summarized by the Central Limit Theorem.


The Central Limit Theorem

This theorem describes the properties of a sampling distribution of means:

  1. The mean of the sampling distribution is equal to the population mean. Why?
    If the means of all possible samples drawn from a population are calculated, some sample means will be larger than the true population mean; others means will be smaller. If you calculated the overall mean of all the sample means, this overall mean will equal the true population mean, .
  2. The sampling distribution follows the shape of the normal curve. Why? If the sample means are drawn from the entire population, there is a higher probability that a sample mean is similar and a lower probability a mean is very different from . If you drew a histrogram of all the sample means, you would find that the sampling distribution has the same shape as the normal distribution.
    As the sampling distribution of means follows the normal distribution, you can define an interval in the sampling distribution that contains 95% of sample means, based on the methods you used in Lab 2. This interval is defined by 1.96 standard deviations from the population mean.
  3. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution, known as the standard error, is smaller than the population standard deviation. Why? In calculating a sample mean, you average the small and large values within the sample. Therefore, the distribution of means will not have the same extreme values as the population distribution.
    The formula for the standard error is:

    Formula: where
    = population standard deviation
    n = sample size

    In the formula above, you can see that sample size influences the size of the standard error. As sample size increases, the standard error decreases - this relationship is shown in the diagram to the right. Larger samples usually have more accurate means than smaller samples; if you sample 100 people, your mean will likely be closer to the population mean than if you sample only 5 people.

Why is this important?

The Central Limit Theorem is useful in the following ways:

  1. As the sampling distribution of means follow the normal curve, you can calculate probabilities within the sampling distribution using the standard normal probability distribution (Z distribution).
  2. The accuracy of any sample mean is related to sample size (through the standard error). You can combine this information with probability theory to estimate a minimum sample size to ensure that there is a high probability (95% probability) that the mean of any single sample drawn from the population is close to .

    In other words, you can adjust the accuracy of your sample statistics by controlling the sample size.


Estimating Sample Sizes

Using the relationship between the standard error, sample size and the probabilities associated with the sampling distribution, you can estimate how many observations you need in your sample to achieve a certain degree of accuracy.

Formula: where
Z = standard errors from mean
= population standard deviation
E = tolerable error

Notes on the formula:

  1. The Z term defines the interval within the sampling distribution that contains 95% of all possible sample means.
  2. The error term, E, in the formula above is a statement of the precision required in the results. If E is small, we are stating that we can only tolerate a small error.
  3. We rarely know the population standard deviation, so we can estimate the value of using the sample standard deviation, s, instead. You can base your estimate on the standard deviation of previous samples.

Example: As a consultant, you have been asked to estimate the mean daily household water consumption in Sidney so that a water supply plan can be developed. Your sample mean must be accurate to within 25 litres/day. How many households should you sample so there is a high probability (95% probability) that your sample mean is within 25 litres/day of the true mean?

To get information for our water supply sampling, we refer to sampling conducted in 1998. The results from the 1998 study showed a mean of 300 litres/day and standard deviation of 76 litres/day. We can use the standard deviation calculated in 1998 to help determine the sample size for this study. The tolerable error, E, is 25 litres/day.

Because the sampling distribution has the same shape as the normal distribution, we can use the Z distribution to help define an interval that contains 95% of the sample means (i.e. the probability that any sample mean falls inside the interval is 0.95). As we know, this interval is defined by 1.96z.

Practice Questions

1. You are studying the recreational use of parks within a city. The city has 30 parks, some are small neighbourhood parks, others are larger natural parks. You want to interview park visitors to determine how, when and why they use parks. Describe the sample design you would use.

2. You are studing the nesting habits of sandpipers. There are 33 nests along the beach. You decide to count the number of eggs in 15 nests.

3. You re-analysed the data collected in the 1998 study of household water use in Sidney. You discover that the standard deviation was incorrectly calculated; you find that s = 90 litres/day.

Practice Answers

Q1. There are several options for sample designs, including:

Q2. Sandpiper nesting habits

  1. Possible samples of 15 from 33 nests:
    n=33, k=15
    nCk = 33! / 15! (33-15)! = 1,037,158,320
    There are 1.04 billion (1.04 x 109) possible samples of 15 drawn from the 33 nests.
  2. P(nests with 2 eggs) = 5 nests with 2 eggs / 15 nests
    P(nests with 2 eggs) = 0.33
  3. Possible samples of 4 from 15 in first sample:
    n=15, k=4
    nCk = 15! / 4! (15-4)! = 1,365
    There are 1,365 possible samples of 4 drawn from 15 nests.

Q3. Water use

  1. When s = 90 L/day, the recommended sample size is 50 observations.

  2. When s = 90 L/day and E = 20 L/day, the recommended sample size is 78 observations.



Download Sampling Framework Diagram (pdf)